Librarians provide orientation - navigating & supporting scholarly communication (& avoiding predatory publishers) (hosted online by ALN RS Group)


About this event

Date: Thursday 5th December 2024
Time: 2.00 - 3.00pm BST (3:00-4:00pm in Austria)
Closing date for bookings: Tuesday 3rd December 2024 (12 noon)
Platform: Online via Teams

This hour-long session is aimed at librarians and research support staff who support academics with the publication process.

Envisioned as an Austrian-UK Librarian Mash-Up, this special coffee afternoon will bring together librarians from the UK and Austria on the subject of predatory publishing and supporting scholarly communication at different universities.

Clara Ginther, University Library of the Univ. of Veterinary Sciences, Vienna, and Susanne Luger, University Library of the JKU Linz, who have co-led an Austria-wide project on predatory publishing and scholarly communication in transition for the past four years, will open the session by sharing their journey in developing a community of practice, wissKomm, which will continue the work they have started.

Katherine Stephan, Research Engagement Librarian and Think.Check.Submit. Committee member will then introduce tools/support to help researchers navigate predatory publishing.

At the heart of the session is the mash-up, a lively discussion on questions such as:

• How to navigate questions of ‘what is predatory’ and how it is connected and embedded within scholarly communications?
• What questions / situations are we confronted with?
• Where can you look for help?
• What kind of services / support do institutions already offer on the topic?
• What does it mean to create and be in a community of practice?
• And, last but not least, how can we collaborate in the future?

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion!

The organising team is made up of members of the ALN Research Support Group, members of ThinkCheck Submit and Scholarly Publishing in Transition