Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

EDI Action Group

The EDI Action Group was formed in early 2022.  It is chaired by Busola Oladipo-Bamidele (University of Hull) and Debbie Spencer (University of Chester). The group's Terms of Reference will be regularly reviewed to ensure its currency and that it is still meeting the needs of the ALN community.

The group plans to liaise closely with other existing ALN CoPs and SIGs and build an especially strong link with the ALN Accessibility Group.  It has begun establishing connections with other EDI focussed groups within the wider library community such as the SCONUL BAME group, RLUK, WHELF and DILON to help inform its focus and prioritize activities. 

Activities of the group include: 

  • scanning current activity across ALN libraries and developing case studies for wider sharing to support development of best practice 
  • supporting the work of the Staff Development Planning Group by providing suggestions and ideas for a regular cycle of EDI focused events as part of the wider programme 
  • exploring and scoping opportunities for focused projects to increase confidence, awareness or familiarity with specific EDI issues for the benefit of all ALN members 
  • exploring and identifying how inclusive practices can be fully embedded within ALN activities in the future 

EDI Innovation Fund 2025 Now Open!

The ALN Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Group is delighted to announce that the 2025 ALN EDI Innovation Fund is now open! The fund aims to provide small grants to ALN institutions (up to a max of £1000), to support a project, event or activity which will improve, enhance or develop approaches to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). 

Bids should ideally be submitted in collaboration with another ALN member or ALN group, to help support the collaborative ethos of ALN. An 'Ideas Bazaar' will be held on the 18th March (10.00-11.00) if you would like to discuss your idea in an informal setting or find another institution to pair up with. Further details of how to join the session are available from academiclibrariesnorth@sconul.ac.uk

Lone bids are also welcome if valid justifications or evidence attesting to their relevance to the ALN EDI mission can be provided. 

The following criteria are used to assess the bids:

  • Is it a collaborative project including 2 or more ALN members?
  • Does it outline what the expected impact of the project will be?
  • Does it demonstrate how the outputs and learning of the project will be shared and disseminated across the breadth of the ALN community, e.g. a conference presentation, an online resource etc?
  • Are the costs of the project up to £1000 and does it outline how the money will be spent?

Your bid should be submitted via this form by Thursday 10 April 2025


Innovation Fund Timeline 2025 

  • Deadline for bids: Thursday 10 April 2025
  • Successful bids informed by: Thursday 24 April 2025
  • Projects start: May 2025
  • Projects duration: 9-12 months

Successful projects will be expected to share information about their projects at the end of the project period, in the form of a report, a conference presentation, an online resource etc.


Innovation Fund Projects 2024

In April 2024, we funded 5 projects:

  • Evaluating university family study rooms. Aim: To evaluate the family study rooms at the University of Hull & the University of Bradford and to discover possibilities to expand our resources to meet the needs of families within the constraints of limited library space. (Bradford and Hull)
  • Breaking the Mold - Tackling Preconceptions and Unconscious Bias. Aim: To investigate biases and preconceptions and how these can be analysed to enhance our interactions with others. (Teesside and Sunderland)
  • Student Engagement with Disability Support in the Library: Are we doing enough? Aim: To ensure the Library Disability Support service effectively assists all students with disabilities. Investigate the lack of engagement and whether there is more that can be done to encourage students to exploit the support that is on offer and thereby have a better, more equitable experience. (Huddersfield and York St John)
  • Menopause Meetups. Aim: To support the running of future Menopause Meetups between April 2024 and December 2024. Using these as a springboard to open up communication between current and potential meetup and/or cafe hosts across the ALN network to share ideas and experiences, helping menopause support events grow and thrive. (Hull and Lancaster) 
  • Developing Zine Collections with Students. Aim: To evaluate our collections with students and consider if our current collections reflect a diverse range of creators, narratives, and lived experiences. Opening the collection development process and sharing decision-making powers would be part of the project work to diversify collections. (Special Collections Museum MMU and Salford) 

Please check back for links to events and other outputs.

Innovation Fund Projects 2022-23

This was the pilot year and the deadline for bids was 31st October 2022, with an aim for the projects to start in January 2023, running for 6-9 months.

In January 2023, we funded 6 projects:

  • Neurodiverse Library Leaders: strengthening ALN leadership through neurodiversity.  Aim: To champion neurodiverse library leaders and potential leaders, strengthening library leadership by inclusion of under-utilised talent. (Lancaster and Huddersfield)

  • Library access and support for local refugee & asylum seeker groups. Aim: To support Asylum seekers and Refugees (AS&R) in the Lancaster & Morecambe District, working with three groups that interact with AS&R in the local area. These include Global Link, East meets West: a cross-cultural group of women; and the Ukrainian Hub. (Lancaster and Cumbria) Report
  • Inclusive Imaginations. Aim: To use the range of the collections of the UoL Special Collections & Archives and Museums & Galleries, and LJMU Special Collections & Archives to develop and deliver a series of student-focussed, creative workshops linked to EDI events throughout February – April 2023. Working with an artist, the project will reference significant dates, including (but not exclusively) Race Equality Week, LGBTQ+ History Month, International Women’s Day and Autism Awareness Day. (Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores)
    Review of the workshops

  • Living while black - anti racism talk for student-facing teams. Aim: The aim of the project is to provide an informed and different view of anti-racism from speaker Marsha Garrett, an advocate for anti-racism who uses her own personal experience to share her story. Sharing this insight with Library and student facing teams, as part of an ongoing professional development programme, will help with understanding of what it is like for a person of colour living in today's society. (Teesside).
    Output: Staff at Teesside worked with Marsha to develop a set of modified slides for staff working with students to be able to go back and consult/review. These slides were then developed into a libguide Beginning to understand racism and anti-racism - Living While Black - LibGuides at Teesside University.

  • Library services for international students in ALN member institutionsAim: To research how many library services follow the 'key concepts' recommended in the SCONUL report of 2007, Library Services for International Students. The project teams plan to conduct some focus groups with researchers and PGT students on their experiences of studying in HE.  At the end of the project, we will make some recommendations for good practice in ALN libraries. (Bradford and York)     
  • Human Library Joint Initiative. Aim: to work together to create two separate in-person Human Library events at each of the institutions, both project teams meeting regularly to share learnings and best practice and to develop a toolkit for ALN staff who would like to create and/or host Human Library related content and events in the future. Hull plans to host their event in the spring, using both staff and students as “books”. The Huddersfield event will run in the summer for staff only. (Huddersfield and Hull) The Human Library Toolkit is now available.

Case Studies

The EDI Action Group is interested to hear about what ALN members have been doing to support their institutions' EDI aims. If you have a case study to share, please complete this form with all the details and a member of the group will be in touch to discuss next steps. 

The group is pleased to share some case studies of activities across the ALN membership:

Decolonising curriculum and diversifying reading lists

Inclusive collections and cataloguing

Partnering with community groups

Inclusive Recruitment
