ALN Mentoring Scheme – celebration and review (hosted by ALN)
To book your place at the event click here
** Please note: the joining instructions for the event will come via the hosts for the event and will not always be on Eventbrite. Please look out for the email/calendar appointment from the hosts nearer the time. **
About this event
Date: Wednesday 6th December 2023
Time: 10.30 – 12:00
Format: Online via Teams
This celebratory event will be an opportunity to hear about how the first year of the scheme has gone. Current and past mentors and mentees will share their experiences of being part of the scheme and how it has assisted them in their role or in the pursuit of promotion.
The event will describe how the scheme works and will provide some top tips for how you can get involved, as well as outlining our plans for the future. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to participate in discussions.
This is the draft programme so far (subject to slight change):
10.30-10.35 - Intro to ALN scheme
10.35 - 10.45 - Feedback from scheme participants
10.45 - 11.15 - Mentors / Mentees perspectives and feedback
11.15 - 11.20 - Comfort break
11.20 - 11.30 - Mechanics of ALN scheme + top tips
11.30 - 11.40 - Explaining mentoring v coaching
11.40 - 11.55 - Q&A
11.55 - 12.00 - Round-up and close