How to run digitisation projects – case studies from the British Library (hosted online)
About this event
Date: Tuesday 6th December 2022
Time: 10.00 - 11.30am
This event is for staff engaged in any aspect of digital or digitisation projects and making available content or collections online.
The British Library has been digitising its collections since the 1990s with hundreds of small and large projects completed over the decades.
The session will include presentations and discussion of “Heritage Made Digital” the Library’s strategic programme for digitisation, as well as several different project case studies, as follows:
- Richard Davies, Head of Collections Programmes
Richard will chair the session and will give an overview of the British Library’s approach to digitisation over the last two decades
- Samantha Tillett, Head of Business Development, Partnerships and Licencing
Sam will talk about working with publishers on digitisation projects and public/private partnerships
- Sandra Tuppen, Heritage Made Digital Portfolio Manager and Andrew Longworth, Digitisation Workflow Manager
Andrew and Sandra will talk about our strategic programme, Hertiage Made Digital, and our end-to-end workflows that we have put in place for digitisation projects
It is anticipated that the presentations will cover the first hour, followed by 30 mins for questions and discussion.