Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for research: policies and strategy (hosted online by Research Support Group)
About this event
Date: Tuesday 22nd November 2022
Time: 2.00 - 3.30pm
This presentation and themed discussion is aimed at all staff working in Research Support (or more widely if there is interest). The speakers are Rachael Kotarski from the British Library and Chris Brown from Jisc.
In 2021 the British Library adopted a Persistent Identifier policy around the use of PIDs in their internal and external systems. Rachael Kotarski will talk about the development of the policy and how it has changed their work since its implementation. You can read more about the implementation here.
JISC are working on a national PID strategy and Chris Brown will also talk about how this has developed . There is also more information on Jisc's position here.
The presentations will be followed by time for questions for our speakers, and also an opportunity for the group to provide input to the national discussion and any local or institutional considerations about PIDs.
This event will be held on MS Teams. Registration is via Eventbrite (see link above) and the Teams invite will be sent to all registered attendees in due course.